I have searched for this recipe for Finnish Democradie rye bread for decades. The recipe, which I actually knew as “democratie”, was first given to my father, when we lived in Putney, by his dear friends Richard “Dick” Merrifield, and Dick’s wife, Lennie, who lived across the border in Harrisville, New Hampshire.
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I mentioned at the end of how I came to be making my own life decisions at the age of 11 that the next bit of my life was spent in Arlington, Massachusetts. But I didn’t share how or why. As may be imagined, given my rather erratic childhood up until then, and with the […]
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So many of you have asked me about the story of how I came to decide where I was going to live at the age of 11. At last, here is that segment, with a bit of a surprise ending!
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The Video Series – Part 9: Old Friends Found, Svetlova Dance Academy Camp, and Bread at Last! - 13,750 views
This is the last segue before I (yes, finally!) get to the episode which explains how I started making my own life choices and decisions at the age of 11 – I promise! But first I need to tell you about the Merrifields, Marina Svetlova’s Dance Camp, and an amazing bread recipe for which I’d been searching for more than 30 years!
The Video Series – Part 8: Mean People, Nice People, Sugaring, Horseback Riding, and Playboy! - 10,998 views
Well, we’re still in Putney, Vermont folks. We will really get to how I started fending for myself at age 11 soon, I promise. But first, a few memories about mean kids, nice kids, sugar on snow, horseback riding at Debonair stables and oh yes, Playboy!
Video Series Part 7 – More Memories of Putney, Vermont - 3,929 views
More memories of Putney, Vermont, featuring Tania Emma, Sarah Johnson, Joan Shore, and Kathleen Kennedy!
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Before we get to how I struck out on my own at the age of 11, I wanted to share a few memories of Putney, including pink water, Sarah Doyle, my first job, and other random yet connected items.
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We move to Putney, Vermont, and I save some kittens. NOTE: Apologies for the sound quality (or lack thereof) on this one. Also the light issues. In fact, I would have redone it, but, well, I didn’t because that would not be true to the whole “easy and authentic” thing. But I have learned, and […]
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Video Series Part 4 – Memories of My New York Childhood - 2,729 views
Having an alcoholic as a father, being left alone, horseback riding, ice skating, and ballet! Also Anthony the Crayon Eating Boy, and Roger Javor. This is Part 4 in the video series of the story of my life.
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Including Hartley House, PS 69, Anthony the Crayon Eating Boy, Roger Javor, and goats!
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This is part 1 of the video series of the Story of Anne’s Life. As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been feeling guilty about not updating my story more regularly, and then I had the idea “What if I recorded brief video on a regular basis and posted it, starting at the beginning […]
This is the story of how I came to live in Putney, Vermont, and how I came to stay in Putney, Vermont, taking my destiny into my own very young hands.
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My mother and father met in New York City, where they both worked at the time. My mother got pregnant with me in the hopes that it would induce my father to fall in love with her. Her somewhat flawed logic was that he would love the baby so much, that he would love her too. Not surprisingly, it didn’t work. Here’s what happened next.
Some things have always been true about me. These include my always having had a soft spot for animals, and my always being willing to rise to the occasion – to try to do something, anything – if I think that I can make a difference. While I didn’t think of it in those terms way back when, it turns out that I was this way even as a young child. Here’s an example.
It’s late at night, and I’m lying in bed, crying. I’m 6, maybe 7, years old, and I’m all alone. I don’t mean that there is nobody in the room. I mean, I am all alone, by myself, in the apartment. The apartment belongs to one of my father’s best friends, and we are staying […]
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